Sabtu, 14 November 2009

Second Design

This one is wtihout photo. So here it is...



If you want it, tell Avi or Via and they will let you write in a ordering paper. But, remember that your reason is "why do you join aPia Lopers". Some of people think the reason is "why do you make aPia Lopers's member card?" Well it is not.

P.S.: We'll close the order in 20th of November, 2009. So hurry up!

Kamis, 05 November 2009

Yeeey It's Like a Dream Come True

Heyaaaaaaaaa! Miss us? Hehe.

Well, we had a mid test last week. It's hard. And this test is the score for moving class in our school. W e can up or down. Wish me luck guys!



Do you see the tittle of this post? Of course you do.
Are you excited? Oh yeaaaaaah we can feel your spirit. And so are we.

I think you know what we mean with "Dream come true". It's aPia member card!
We've already had the design and we want to tell you. Some of our friend have tagged in the photos on Facebook. But the others, can see these or tagged their selves in the photos on Facebook.

So, here it is.

the top one is the back side and the other one is the front side.

If you want to have one tell us and send your photos to or post your photos on aPia Lopers group on Facebook.

We will make one more design, which is without photo. Which one do you want?


P.S. : The sample photo is Via's parents hehe, so sweeeet yeaah.

Jumat, 23 Oktober 2009

The Real Member card's Going To Be Real

Hey what's up?

Long time no post, we (Avi&Via) have been busy since our new class. Our school has new rules that really make us tired. And, as you know (or not) Via now is in 9 grade. So she has to study harder. Well, all of us have to do that.

Hm. Ok now I'll try to F O C U S.

Hm I know you can see the tittle of this post: The Real Membercard's Going To Be Real. Yeaaaaaaaah, I know you like it. And so do we hihihihi.

So if you want to get one of aPia Loper's member card, all you need to do is:
  1. Give us some idea for the member cards. It's for you too guys.
  2. Give us your basic identity and photos. Well we don't decide yet, does it need photos or not? So tell me about your opinion.
  3. Pay the member card of course. We'll tell you more about it, but I promise it won't be expensive.
Just that? Yeah just that. So what are you waiting for guys? Tell Avi (class 8.5 at 103 JHS) or Via (class 9.3 at 103 JHS). Or you can follow them on twitter. You can also tell them on Facebook.



Selasa, 19 Mei 2009

biarkan gambar berbicara

lagi males nulis, jadi silahkan liat sendiri gambar di bawah ini, dan cerna maksudnya.

gak jelas? klik aja.

posted by: Via

Minggu, 17 Mei 2009

membership card

dalam waktu dekat ini, aPia lopers mau membuat membership cardnya lohhhhhh. kumpulin aja foto 3x4 ke avi atau via 8.4 entar kamu akan mendapatkan membership card tergaul sepanjang masa. siapkanlah foto terbaikmu, soalnya card nya untuk semuuuuuur hiduuup selama kamu menjadi member aPia lopers. tapi ya gitu desainnya belom ditentukan, bantuin dong. di cardnya dipasang foto gue dan kak via tidak? biar ingat kami selalu dimanapun berada azeeeeeek. hayyoooo gimana desainnya yang bagus? mau sayembara ini kalo yang desainnya paling bagus entar dikasih duit? mau? cubidudam dam dam seru kaaaan? haha oke deh sip ya. nanti kalian bikin team gitcu, terus mengusulkan desain membership cardnya gimane. setuju gak? setuju ya sip deeeeh

posting bt : avi :)

Sabtu, 16 Mei 2009

peraturan dan prosedur aPia Lopers

peraturan dan prosedur aPia Lopers:

1. Jangan pernah menghina dina club ini
2. Kalau bisa sebarkan formulir aPia Lopers ke kerabat dekat
3. Saling menyapa sesama anggota dengan sapaan khusus
4. Cintailah club ini dengan segenap jiwa dan raga
5. Dalam waktu dekat club ini akan mengadakan kegiatan
6. Kemungkinan perbulan dipungut biaya sebesar Rp 2.000,00*
7. Ikutilah semua kegiatan yang berlangsung
8. Bawalah membership card aPia Lopers dimanapun berada.
9. Jika ada keluhan lapor saja kepada Avi 7.6 atau Via 8.4
10. Jika mau keluar dari club ini kembalikan membership card-nya kepada Avi ataupun Via, lalu akan kami bakar.


*biaya bisa mengalami penaikan atau penurunan setiap waktu

Tertanda, Avi dan Via.

Jumat, 15 Mei 2009

welcome to our blog


blog ini untuk memberi tau kalian setiap ada kegiatan atau segala update baru di aPia Lopers. who's write on this blog? tentunya kesayangan kita semua, api dan pia. kalian bisa meninggalkan komen atau apa aja di chat box. kita akan memperbaiki blog ini ke depannya ya. thanks ya udah baca.